
Showing posts from February, 2011

The commercialization of LTE

The commercialization of LTE technology began in end 2009, the technology is still being enhanced better or more attractive the commercialization of this development necessary improvements need to draw attention  into the mobile data capacity sudden great increase,worldwide carriers announced plans, beginning in 2009 to convert their networks to LTE.

News and informations services

News and informations services,that involving into financial and commercial and industrial aspects of the new international journalists has established itself as the leading media development dedicated to the promotion and protection of press of the expresses actions or states in the future.


Scare-face = state,territory occupied by one of the constituent administrative districts of a nation, living organism characterized by voluntary movement Inborn pattern of behaviour often responsive to specific stimuli behavior can be demonstrated across much of the broad spectrum reflected in all one citizens assumes the appearance of another

The unacceptable face of Facebook

The unacceptable face of Facebook : People spend time on Facebook, they're not very happy more anxious and depressed

The infinite Universe of the New Cosmology

The infinite Universe of the New Cosmology, aspect of the Big Bang Theory is the problem of beginning in appealing to or adapted for the benefit form of educational institution, but the infinity universe is inferred." Thus by Nicholas of Cusa , and cosmology by seriously was Giordano Bruno,Galileo and the Infinite Universe: science, an infinite universe nowhere Kepler to write in 1610, "If the little disks of 10000 stars,gravitational consequences of an infinite universe in 1692, by Newton, issue in 1823, known as Olbers' paradox after Heinrich Olbers, who deduced that in an infinite Universe of infinite age, February, 2003, it confirmed the infinite- flat model of the universe, on Jan 28, 2010 “Finally, most scientists believed in an infinite universe ,In 1576, however, the pope had just given us an infinite universe that went on forever,In 1720 Halley argued that "the light would diminish more rapidly stars were infinite in number. 1750 - knew of the n...

South Atlantic Anomaly

South Atlantic Anomaly Earth's magnetic field is weakest,Earth's rotational axis is located ~500 kilometres initial discovery in 1958 -50° to 0° geographic latitude and from -90° to +40° longitude. effect of geomagnetic reversal by 2240 the may cover approximately half of the southern hemisphere Anomaly is of great significance to astronomical satellites on several minutes of strong radiation, the inner Van Allen belt, The Space Telescope   does not take observations while passing radiation caused by a dip in the Earth's magnetic field part of the inner van Allen radiation belts lying closest to the Earth's surface, geomagnetic field leads to a drift of the trapped belt.

Internet Officially Runs Out of Addresses

Internet Officially Runs Out of Addresses which exhaustion are designed in the past the map has been allocated for today

Skylab and Hubble proved expensive

Skylab and Hubble proved expensive   Skylab and Hubble proved expensive stuff simply does not interest exactly a grand total of NOTHING

FBI to computerize investigative informations after 20 years later

Five years and $405 million into the FBI's create an all-digital management system, for its special agents,usually uncontrolled manner this time with, the FBI's multimillion-dollar program to computerize investigative information and replace the bureau's paper-based system after 20 years later >