
Showing posts from September, 2011

Nobel laureate resigns in protest of some members

 Nobel laureate resigns in protest which has 48,000 members, has adopted a policy statements which states said "The evidence is irrefutablee of global warming.

Tropical deforestation affect rainfall

Deforestation managed reduces rainfall in Africa of many years into deforestation that has been occurring widely in Africa, the difference it is in rainfall is caused by the temperature similar observations of rainfall in Amazonia

European Papal family

Creativity and new age of Da Vinci and Michelangelo , European Papal family ,in ecclesiastical and political affairs in the 1400s and 1500s, rise in Renaissance Italy with Alejandro VI most memorable of the secular popes of the Renaissance   1 January 1431.  New patron, Cesar Borgia , the son of Pope Alexander, CesĆ”r Borja- Cesare Borgia (September 13, 1475 – March 11, 1507) , leads the Papal army and fight the Orsini and Colonna families Like his father, he was a member of the Templar Order . Lucrezia Borgia 18 April 1480,was born at Subiaco, near Rome Duchess of Ferrara   was considered the most ruthless of Italian Renaissance noblewomen frequently to poison drinks at the family's elaborate dinner-parties.   This unfavourably chapter of the history of the Catholic church secret power that a women's sexuality holds,with violence, murder, politics,synonym for avarice and treachery, which played a significant role follo...

Worst Stock Market

Crashes Worst Stock Market Crash: 1930-1932 kicked off the Great Depression, Stock Market Crash: 1973 – 1974 by the events: Vietnam war, Watergate scandal,     1987: Shares Thrust or throw into Wall Street crash The world's stock market has collapsed after shares on Wall Street!

Star SDSS J102915+172927 that Defies Astronomers theories

Star SDSS J102915+172927 that Defies Astronomers theories Revolotion in astrophysics is the lead author of the study published in “Nature”. accepted theory of star formation this Star should not be able to exist It was catalogued of course, designation name, it is “SDSS J102915+172927”. less mass than the Sun spectrographs and UVES that show to have chemical element heavier than normal others Stars with helium a very light colourless element that is one of the six inert gasses Teory of Big Bang,the lithium, the lightest elements, so hydrogen and helium came into existence shortly after the Big Bang this is the theory of some astronomers. Now astrophysics to reorganize some larger or more complex organization of astronomy that concerned with the physical and chemical properties of celestial bodies, will have to reviews books for the University and the faculty and students at this very primitive study about Astronomy. Fact that SDSS J10291...