
Showing posts from 2017

Norway Switches Off FM Radio And Goes Digital

digital broadcasting. Norway shut down all national FM radio broadcasts https:// -switches-off-fm-radio-and-goes-digital/   …

Queensland have reported seeing a meteor overnight similar to the Chelyabinsk meteor

Residents of the Australian city of Townsville, Queensland have reported seeing a meteor overnight according to the Daily Telegraph. similar to the Chelyabinsk meteor which flew over Russia in 2013. The Canberra Times stated that cameras at Mt Stromlo Observatory did capture a somewhat blurry picture of the fragment emitting a bright blue-green light. Each day 200 tonnes of meteor fragments fall to the Earth. On Friday, one particular piece caught the attention of many keen-eyed Canberrans as it lit up the night sky and treated them to a different sort of Christmas light show. The blue-green light trail behind the meteor suggests the presence of iron and the yellow light indicates sodium It left a blue-green light trail behind it and travelled about 80,000 to 120,000 kilometres per hour, creating a sonic boom that was heard and felt by people below. Mysterious booms are increasing dramatically all over the planet, which may be indicative of other space rock fragments exploding in ...

Space Chronicles

Geophysical Union (AGU) conference Cruise to Proxima Centauri; traveling 4.3 light years at around ten per cent of the speed of light.

Brexit divorce bill.

The Prime Minister confirms agreed to pay out up to £39bn to the EU as the price of Brexit divorce bill. Withdrawal from the European Union is the legal and political process whereby a member state of the European Union ceases to be a member of the union. Member states have the right to withdraw from the Union under the Treaty on European Union (TEU), Article 50, which states that: "Any Member State may decide to withdraw from the Union in accordance with its own constitutional requirements." Brexit vote directly increased inflation by 1.7 percentage points of the 2.7 percentage-point rise in the 12 months after the referendum EU laws continue to reign supreme, stressing that it would be a "price worth paying" for stability after March 2019. The spectre of Brexit is looming is hidden the Budget DEBIT OF UK GOVERNMENT

The Pentagon spent millions of dollars investigating reports of unidentified flying objects

Pentagon Spent $22 Million on UFO Research congressional service. The $22 million Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program began in 2008 OBAMA after its funding was pushed by Sen. Harry Reid, a Nevada Democrat who retired this year.

very bright fireball night sky over Florida

very bright fireball was recorded streaking through the night sky over Florida around 23:35 UTC on December 5, 2017 (AMS) received 57 reports

Sea levels

archaeological and historical sites on the Atlantic and Gulf coasts of the southeastern United States that will endanger this century, researchers in the new study said.

5.1 magnitude.earthquake jolted the Mid-Atlantic region

The U.S. Geological Survey reported that the earthquake registered a 5.1 magnitude.earthquake jolted the Mid-Atlantic region of the East Coast on Thursday evening from New York City to Washington DC

On display in Padua the portrait of young Galileo

On display in Padua the portrait of young Galileo painted in 1601. It was thought to have been lost now possible to see it at Art meets Science "that opens on November 18 in Padua Italy The Paduan exhibition will be open until 18 March 2018. The portrait of Galileo that will be exposed dates back to 1601 and is attributed to Santi di Tito (March 6, 1536 – July 23, 1603) was one of the most influential and leading Italian painters of the proto-Baroque style. He was born in Borgo San Sepolcro, LINE COMPUTER TONYNETONE THANKS TO BREAK IN

Just in time for Polar Bears Internationals

Just in time for Polar Bears Internationals self-proclaimed not to worry about polar bears so we search for probable worry about over what happens in the real world about polar bears so I am pretty careful while I am outside - so don't be worried!

Planet NGTS-1b

Planet NGTS-1b, defies the theories of planetary formation that affirm that a planet of this size of Jupiter that orbiting a star is only half the size of the sun that contradicts theories of planet formation of today ASTRONOMERS A red dwarf term is a class of star that fits into a specific size (and color) range and has a specific set of characteristics that make it distinct from larger stars challenges longstanding theories that such a big planet — about the size of Jupiter — cannot be formed around a star so small. Columba was created by Dutch astronomer Petrus Plancius in 1592 in order to differentiate the ‘unformed stars’ of the large constellation Canis Major . [2] Plancius first depicted Columba on the small celestial planispheres of his large wall map of 1592. It is also shown on his smaller world map of 1594 and on early Dutch celestial globes.

The collective runaways are the daily social networks

The collective runaways are the daily social networks, not to mention their fuel. And 2017 October showed a new example, with a wave of indignation against a campaign of communication AND information that social networking is a global activity and audiences around the world standing via creating new institutional show reaffirmed It is important to mention that the overall to by pass political fraud, legal and social .


DISCOVERY OF DUST BELTS AROUND PROXIMA CENTAURI astronomer at the Institute of Astrophysics of Andalusia in Spain, said in a press release Proxima Centauri, the star closest to our Sun, is known to host at least one terrestrial planet candidate in a temperate orbit. Here we report the ALMA detection of the star at 1.3 mm wavelength and the discovery of a belt of dust orbiting around it at distances ranging between 1 and 4 au, approximately. Given the low luminosity of the Proxima Centauri star Proxima Centauri is already known to have one Earth-sized world around it, and now astronomers have detected dust belts that could be an indication of more. “The dust around Proxima is important because, following the discovery of the terrestrial planet Proxima b, it’s the first indication of the presence of an elaborate planetary system, and not just a single planet, around the star closest to our sun

blue auroras

blue auroras seen in the Arctic Circle AFTER 28 OCT geomagnetic storms

Asteroids disappear in the solar system

Asteroids disappear in the solar system one of the largest centaurs known with an diameter estimate of 280 and 290 kilometers the 1995 SN55 report, a 300-kilometer-long stone, would write the following: “First recorded in 1995. The last time was observed a few weeks ago. Has since disappeared. ”1995 SN55, is a minor planet and likely centaur that orbits in the outer Solar System beyond the orbit of Jupiter. With an estimated diameter of approximately 290 kilometers, it would be one of the largest centaurs. First observed by Spacewatch in 1995, it became a lost minor planet. What is interesting is that the stone has a large size. Reported by Newscientist, Thursday (10/26/2017), the size of the space rock reached 300 kilometers. This makes SN55 1995 the largest asteroid ever found. Right now there are hundreds of similar missing objects in the Kuiper belt that were fi...

Alaska unprecedented changes

' influx of tropical pyrosomes off Alaska unprecedented changes in the environment,” less food for salmon and other marine species

Solar flares of near C

Solar flares of near C as called Hyder flares, named for Charles Hyder, who published studies of such events in 1967.: Today, Oct. 18th, solar wind is blowing around Earth with less speed Solar wind speed: 349.1 km/sec polar geomagnetic storms to only 30%. Arctic auroras might be visible.  Issue Time: 2017 Oct 18 0610 UTC A powerful double solar flare eruption took place beyond the Sun's east limb early October 18, 2017.

Deception Point.

Dan Brown holds a special place in the in NASA affair It is a pleasure to report that, his book lives up to his reputation as a writer whose research and talent make his stories exciting NASA’s spending and move space exploration into the private sector. We underline embarrassment of 1996, when the Clinton administration was informed by NASA that proof existed of life on other planets from a series of embarrassing blunders that have jeopardized NASA’s slipping reputation, the question arises in this book: Is the meteor real or a fake? also done his research, folding in sophisticated scientific and military details as Milne Ice Shelf , a fragment of the former Ellesmere Ice Shelf, is located in Qikiqtaaluk Region, Nunavut, Canada. It is the second largest ice shelf in the Arctic Ocean. Situated on the north-west coast of Ellesmere Island, it is located about 270 km (170 mi) west of Alert, Nunavut. In 1986, the ice shelf had an area of about 290 square kilometers, with a ...

1996 to 2018 wall street lose value as market up without gain

1996 to 2018 wall street lose value as market up without gain. Value With a possible economic recovery at the centre of public debate, we continue to see the effects of the financial crisis not only in high unemployment and tumbling home values, but also in our national psyche. When we start with the wrong question, no matter how good an answer we get, it won’t give us the results we want.

Structure of Lagrange points

Louis Lagrange mathematician and astronomer. He made significant contributions to the fields of analysis, number theory Structure of Lagrange points There are five Lagrange points around major bodies such as a planet or a star. Three of them lie along the line connecting the two large bodies. In the Earth-sun system, for example, the first point, L1, lies between Earth and the sun at about 1 million miles from Earth. L1 gets an uninterrupted view of the sun, and is currently occupied by the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) and the Deep Space Climate Observatory. L2 also lies a million miles from Earth, but in the opposite direction of the sun. At this point, with the Earth, moon and sun behind it, a spacecraft can get a clear view of deep space. The James Webb Space Telescope will move into this points so after many problem data not possible for the moment Lagrange point, L3, lies behind the sun, opposite Earth’s orbit. For now, science has not found a use for this ...

NASA Herschel Week, highlighting

significant NASA Herschel Week, highlighting

Study confirms cosmic rays have extragalactic phenomena

Study confirms cosmic rays have extragalactic originate from “extremely violent” astrophysical phenomena, to settle a decades-old debate, Pierre Auger Observatory comprises 1600 Cherenkov particle detectors that are spread over 3000 km2 in Argentina. Multiple detectors gives the direction of the cosmic ray arrival rate of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays is about 6% greater in one half of the sky that is more of excess that lies about 120° away from the centre of the Milky Way – suggesting extra-galactic origins particles appear to be coming from directions in space that have a high density of nearby galaxies.   In a paper to be published in Science on 22 September , the Pierre Auger Collaboration reports observational evidence demonstrating that cosmic rays with energies a million times greater than that of the protons accelerated in the Large Hadron Collide

binary stars nibiru not visible for modern astronomy

Close to our Sun and within its gravitational as binary stars Nibiru is playing with our Sun it is capable of producing huge solar flares as the magnetic energy builds up that binary stars nibiru not visible for modern astronomy. Uranus  Neptune  Jupiter Solar Wind twice the average planetary by tonynetone FUKUSHIMA, Japan a magnitude 6.1 EARTHQUAKE struck off coast

September equinox

Ready for autumn? The first day of autumn is September 22 September equinox—is the astronomical start of autumn in the Northern Hemisphere and spring in the Southern Hemisphere.

Acceleration of Universe Not Be Real

Acceleration of Universe Not Be Real supernova explosions in distant galaxies, farther away than they should be if the Universe expansion

Nibiru coming Planet X is not alone

Star is Nibiru or the planet of the crossing according to the ancient Sumerians … Nibiru coming Planet X is not alone It is almost impossible to hide Nibiru coming Planet X is not alone from September 2017 actually a mini solar system that is on its way crossing according to the ancient Sumerians confirmed NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory and ESA’s XMM-Newton to see how the X-ray brightness of stars similar to the Sun behaves over time… September 2017 … The post I wrote about thanks for breaking in.

Babylonians developed trigonometry 1,500 years before the Greeks

Babylonians developed trigonometry 1,500 years before the Greeks University of New South Wales, Australia, has shown it is the world’s oldest and most accurate trigonometric table used by ancient architects trigonometry, Babylonian mathematics used a base 60, or sexagesimal system, rather than the 10 which is used today so fascinating mathematical work that demonstrates undoubted genius.

Why Managers Fail

so ”failure of Managers know as best want that you should abandon existing screening standards now Japan labour ranks 22nd in productivity among the 35 Organisation for Economic Collaborative Blueprint for Achieving the Japanese Government’s 2020/30 Overall Target of Women Holding 30 Percent of Management and Leadership Positions by 2020." Companies that are successful in finding this talent—especially for management roles—are not clinging to the traditional EMCRS

astronomers once again wrong measurement of solar system

astronomers once again wrong measurement of solar system after find Large, distant comets more common make once again revolution so NASA officials said comets travel from the edge of our solar system

Titan’s atmosphere

University College London finds molecule in Titan’s atmosphere The international Cassini-Huygen Scientists analysing data gathered by the Cassini spacecraft have confirmed complicated molecules and their discovery was completely unexpected because of the chemical composition of the atmosphere (which lacks oxygen and mainly consists of nitrogen and methane) project of NASA, the European Space Agency and the Italian Space Agency. NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, a division of the California Institute of Technology, manages the Cassini-Huygens Science Mission Directorate, Washington, D.C. The Cassini orbiter was designed, developed and assembled at JPL.

a partial lunar eclipse sneaks on August 7th

a partial lunar eclipse sneaks in just two weeks earlier on August 7th for August 21'st solar eclipse (occurring at new Moon)


sunspot's magnetic field NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory photographed sunspot as sun's eastern limb on Aug. 2nd

flooding hits Istanbul since1985

Extreme flash flooding hits Istanbul since1985 Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Perihelion and aphelion

Perihelion and aphelion all planets, comets, and asteroids in the Solar System have approximately elliptical orbits around the Sun

International Asteroid Day 2017 The Southern Pinwheel Galaxy

International Asteroid Day 2017 The Southern Pinwheel Galaxy, also known as Messier 83, is a full 30 degrees south of the celestial equator, making it particularly difficult to see from high northern latitudes. Hydra: Pinwheel Galaxy, M83 or NGC 5236 double core photo by tonynetone

astronomer once again in wrong directions

astronomer once again in wrong directions as A planet is found, hotter than many stars in constellation Urania's Mirror.

NASA to explore Neptune and Uranus in the 2030s

NASA admitted that underway to explore Neptune and Uranus in the 2030s This might have the implications for how you form a planet of that mass like planet Pluto

Internet-Wide Day of Action for Net Neutrality on July 12

Internet-Wide Day of Action for Net Neutrality on July 12 PornHub, OK Cupid, Imgur, DuckDuckGo, Namecheap, Bittorrent, and a bunch of other big sites joined the Internet-Wide Day of Action for Net Neutrality on July 12 (Amazon, Kickstarter, Etsy, Mozilla, and Reddit were already on board.)

Albert Einstein Is Labeled as militia Communist

Albert Einstein Is Labeled as militia Communist so now Communists both had their own militias, as did the Nazis. National Geographic Channel

59 million people for this photo

reality TV show must have been to theo 59 million people for this photo Displaying script photo of images tonynetone

Computex in Taipei computers running Snapdragon desktop

Computex  in Taipei  Asus, HP, Lenovo to makes first computers running Snapdragon desktop  applications users can get a proper PC experience.

NASA engine ON fire after test

NASA engine ON fire after test for mod thermal 5 expansion conduits gone Honeywell Control Systems Manchester,United Kingdom tonynetone

The Reality of Time

Ancient and Medieval philosophers might have said that metaphysics was, like chemistry or astrology, to be defined by its subject matter: metaphysics was the “science” that studied “being as such” or “the first causes of things” or “things that do not change”. It is no longer possible to define metaphysics that way, for two reasons. Errol Harris was a contemporary South African philosopher. His work focused on developing a systematic and coherent account of the logic, metaphysics, and epistemology implicit in contemporary understanding of the world. Harris held that, in conjunction with empirical science  Western philosophical tradition.

The Best Selling Computer In History

Computer The Commodore 64, that '80s Commodore 64 – The Best Selling Computer In History Tech Time Warp of the Week by Tony Commodore got it start long before personal computers arrived. It was founded in Toronto, Ontario, Canada in 1954. Commodore 64 computers used versions of Microsoft BASIC, licensed and tweaked for those devices. Micro-Soft - a combination of the terms microcomputer and software."A computer on every desktop and Microsoft software in every computer".The New Commodore 64,went on sale in the summer of 1982. Commodore computer cost $595 Commodore International, the maker of the computer, declared bankruptcy in 1994 after several bad political business decisions and abusive competition from I.B.M. Microsoft didn't start out making computer systems. was actually a version of the open source operating system UNIX. It was called Xenix and was released in 1980. The company's first products were versions of a programming language...

July 12 The orbit of 1991 VG


diversity among Napoleon’s armed forces

Science revealed the surprisingly diversity among Napoleon’s armed forces related discipline, biological anthropology,Napoleon’s Grande ArmĆ©e was ethnically and socially heterogeneous Holder et al.’s study is a good example of how even the large scale events of history can be illuminated through an archaeological study of the tiniest details theguardian

In the Navy

" In the Navy " is a song by the American disco group  Village People . It was the last top 10 hit for the group in the United States.

Massive blaze burned underneath

Georgia's governor declared a state of emergency  after Atlanta Highway Collapse by fire  that destroyed a portion of the VERY BUSY highway theater help installation  servicing in Atlanta and all surrounding areas after a raging fire underneath.   >Mar 30, 2017 · ATLANTA