Every four weeks, the Moon embarks on a brand new cycle around the Earth
Supermoon of 2020 March 9 will be at 6:48 PM on Monday. The month of October 2020 alone is supposed to include two full moons with second of the two is a blue moon on Oct. 31 The next full moon is scheduled for Feb. 9 at about 2:33 a.m. (ET). This one is called the “Snow Moon.” Why? As the midwinter moon or the second full moon of winter, by the Native American tribes. March 9, 2020, 1:48 p.m. Worm Moon/Supermoon April 7, 2020, 10:35 p.m. Pink Moon/Supermoon Oct. 31, 2020 10:51 a.m. Blue Moon A BLACK MOON Supermoon will peak to mark the arrival of three astronomical phenomena – but what time is the Black Moon and will you be able to see it? In popular astronomy, a Supermoon appears when a Full Moon or New Moon reaches its point of perigee – its closest orbit above Earth. A New Moon signals the start and end of the monthly lunar cycle when the Sun’s rays fall on the Moon’s far side. When combined on the same night or day, a rare and ominous Black Moon i...