
Showing posts from August, 2023

Ernesto che Guevara was an argentine socialist revolutionary and leader character of the revolution.

  Ernesto "Che" Guevara was captured by the Bolivian army on August 31, 1967, in the Vallegrande region of Bolivia. He had been leading a guerrilla uprising attempt in the country in an effort to promote revolutionary struggle in Latin America. Guevara was wounded in the leg during the capture and was taken to a nearby schoolhouse. The next day, he was executed by a Bolivian army officer, Mario Terán. His body was then displayed to the public in an attempt to deter other revolutionaries. Guevara's death was a major blow to the Cuban Revolution and to the revolutionary movement in Latin America. However, he remains a popular figure among many leftists and revolutionaries around the world. His image is often used as a symbol of resistance and revolutionary struggle. The circumstances of Guevara's capture and execution have been the subject of much controversy. Some have accused the Bolivian government of torturing him before his execution, while others have claimed tha...

Tonight Blue Moon will rise just after sunset at p.m. (23 10 GMT)

  Tonight Blue Moon will rise just after sunset at p.m. (23 10 GMT) the moon and Saturn will rise in the east on the night of August 30-31, 2023. The moon will be full and Saturn will be at opposition, which means it will be at its closest point to Earth. They will be about 2 degr ees apart in the sky. You can see them both all night long, traveling across the sky. To see a precise view from your location, you can use a stargazing app or website like Stellarium. This will show you the exact position of the moon and Saturn in the sky at your location.

Discovery Altair

  A team of astronomers in Japan who are currently attempting to listen for a potential alien response to a message that was sent into space forty years ago. The message was originally transmitted in 1983 to the star Altair, located light years away from Earth. The effort to receive an alien response is now being led by astronomer of the University of Hyogo. The team is using a telescope belonging to the Japanese space agency, JAXA, for this purpose. The message consisted of drawings and intended to convey information about human civilization and our species. So also NASA have try to Discovery Altair for long time, specially given the discoveries of numerous exoplanets since the 1990. He suggests to international space agency that Altair might have a planet with conditions suitable for sustaining life. Underscores the vast distances and timeframes involved in interstellar communication and the challenges faced in detecting potential extraterrestrial responses.