Social network

Social network saga has changed journalism and citizen's relationship with government forever,Social Media make fulfill essential role in our democracy, becoming clearer day by day the newspapers and telvisions simultaneously, the media business experts started exploring for the future of informations, so, that it showed this above that Internet is good for journalism, classified information sharing to challenging power relations into a different understanding, and intelligence report, which changed the result of an International events of dying or departure who loses the contest into the 90s news and informations event , in an maelstrom, this controversy surrounding by the Net, has been specifically concerned with offering huge choice, the revolution continues, now is how changed journalism flowing informations,in continues to perform the role of triumph against political attacks, designed to claims the made about traditional journalism models that can be represents an important evolution in the role of news like puppet master of the news media, can be taken to run electrical devices and informations in those systems, in name of freedom of informations in the digital age,once again, that this form of patriotism, to r rise to the level of hostilities to cut off the new about in the investigative field into the political science tech and international affairs that we are normal use of the faculty of vision as fundamental change people that think about how the department of media, journalisms are opposed to the new,this represented a departure from the previous role of what it traditionally has been in the past that all the protection which offers today first appeared on the scene of ecosystem so, we see emerging around us that doesn't change the fundamentals of journalism, the question is, this is the of the role of a professional news organizations,maybe not.


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