Extraterrestrial Particles in ‘Major Breakthrough’ Using the IceCube Neutrino Observatory in Antarctica,

Extraterrestrial Particles in ‘Major Breakthrough’ Using the IceCube Neutrino Observatory in Antarctica,

A belowground experiment at the South Pole has now discovered three of the highest-energy neutrinos ever found, for decades, scientists have been searching for ghostly neutrino particles from outer space, and now they have finally found them,researchers found the first evidence of neutrinos from outside the solar system since 1987.

These neutrinos Extraterrestrials on Earth, all have energies at the absurdly high scale of peta–electron volts that travelers from beyond our solar system.

Alien’ Neutrinos Detected in South Pole Ice,Neutrinos are a byproduct of cosmic rays, which contain high-energy matter and are of mysterious origin.


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