Aldebaran in fiction Capella is queen of winter’s

Aldebaran in fiction Capella is queen of winter’s
Patriarch been witness to a flying machine from Aldebaran, so revealed there were two habitable planets orbiting that star as Aldebaran and most of the Pleiadian star systems seven sisters as god gene alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity to using chemical propulsion that also included the atomic bomb.

Who was sitting in the second row of the theater this information’s? with the technical data for the construction of a flying machine they became unable to leave their planets the Kings also Jews and Pope and patriarch of an unknown science of Universe use this method which revolve inhabited solar system as Aldebaran It is assumed that,as the master of race and Sumeran-Aldebaran then also came to Earth see planet x when Earth became slowly habitable, the race of the Aldebaran’s landed in Mesopotamia and formed the master caste of the SUMERIANS which were described as fair,God people.

The galactic coordinates use the Sun as the origin. Galactic longitude (l) is measured with primary direction from the Sun to the center of the galaxy in the galactic plane, while the galactic latitude (b) measures the angle of the object above the galactic plane.

The star Capella, Alpha Aurigae, is associated with Amalthea, the goat who was foster-mother to Zeus.

myth, Auriga represents Hephaestus himself, the lame god, who built the chariot so that he could travel anywhere he wanted, whenever he wanted, without difficulty.

The constellation is also the site of the galactic anti-centre, the point in the sky opposite to the centre of the Milky Way Galaxy, which is located in the constellation Sagittarius, near the border with Scorpius. The nearest bright star to the galactic anti-centre is Alnath, Beta Tauri.

In 1958, the International Astronomical Union (IAU) defined the galactic coordinate system in reference to the 21-cm radio emissions of galactic neutral hydrogen, replacing a system first defined in 1932. In the equatorial coordinate system, for equinox and equator of 1950.0, the north galactic pole is defined at right ascension 12h 49m, declination +27°.4, in the constellation Coma Berenices, with a probable error of ±0°.1.

Longitude 0° is the great semicircle that originates from this point along the line in position angle 123° with respect to the equatorial pole. The galactic longitude increases in the same direction as right ascension. Galactic latitude is positive towards the north galactic pole, the galactic equator being 0°, the poles ±90°.Based on this definition, the galactic poles and equator can be found from spherical trigonometry and can be precessed to other epochs; see the table.

The anisotropy of the star density in the night sky makes the galactic coordinate system very useful for coordinating surveys, both those that require high densities of stars at low galactic latitudes, and those that require a low density of stars at high galactic latitudes. For this image the Mollweide projection has been applied, typical in maps using galactic coordinates.
