Climate and the Khan Mongol Empire’s

Climate and the Khan Mongol Empire’s explosive growth 800 years ago Climate so at that time band of nomadic Mongol horsemen were able to sweep through much of Asia in a few meteoric decades 800 years ago as change Climate helped Genghis Khan Create the Mongol Empire,stand up to Columbia University’s Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory. The study is published in the journal, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Khustain Nuruu (wild horses) this area was reserved as hunting grounds for Genghis Khan. Takhi (Khustain Nuruu) The Khustai National Park is located in the area around Khustain Nuruu (“birch ridge”). This park hosts a so far very successful project since 1992 so many other wild animals can also be observed at the same place.

Most of Central Mongolian territory is predominated by Khangai Mountain Range, the most extensive from the three major ranges and other smaller ranges
Great Mongolian Empire created by legendary Genghis Khan in 13th century. There now is the largest Buddhist monastery of Mongolia built in 16th century.
Khangai region displays one of six natural zones of Mongolia which differs by its mountainous grassland with numbers of lakes and rivers dotted with colorful wild flowers, in other words for Biblical mans as – “paradise”


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