Limits on the Galactic and cosmic ionizing fluxes
Limits on the Galactic and cosmic ionizing fluxes and extragalactic gamma rays
possible observational consequences of dust relate the dust content, $\Omega_d^{Lya}$
possible observational consequences of dust relate the dust content, $\Omega_d^{Lya}$
consider scenarios in which quasi-stellar object (QSO) sources dominate the contribution to the UV background.
simulations are unable to reproduce the measured abundances of these systems,
Limits on Dust and Metallicity Evolution
Limits on Dust and Metallicity Evolution
Lyman series
metal evolution of the absorbers
velocity dispersion
higher redshifts, that suggesting as the flux power spectrum may serve as a useful tool for distinguishing QSO-dominated UV background scenarios as QUASARS like to dominate galaxies gravity.
The effects of ultraviolet background correlations on Lyα forest flux statistics
The effects of ultraviolet background correlations on Lyα forest flux statistics
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