The North smashing big-wave records

The North Atlantic is a prime setting for smashing big-wave records. 62-Foot Wave Off Iceland Smashes World Record the wave crashed down the morning early Feb. 2013
A giant wave (not the one that broke the record). International Meteorological Organization
Satellite technology, observations and ships still play approximately understanding of weather [and] ocean interactions.
2016 Earlier this year, the WMO confirmed the longest reported distance for a lightning bolt (in Oklahoma) and the longest duration for a single lightning flash (in southern France).
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Station Buoys 64045 – K5 Buoy : Atlantic Swell Wind and weather information including :- Wind Direction & Speed, Wave Height & Period, Atmospheric Pressure


(LNB or Lanby buoy) is an automatic buoy over 10m high equipped with a powerful light monitored electronically as a replacement for lightships.[1] A LNB may be marked on charts as a “Superbuoy.
