On March 7 of this year, a bright meteorite (called a bolide)

National Marine Sanctuary, NASA and the University of Washington to locate the meteorite fall
 On March 7 of this year, a bright meteorite (called a bolide) fall was observed about 15 miles (25 kilometers) off the coast of Grays .
Around 7:10 p.m., Washingtonians reported a bright light in the sky, a boom and shaking. ... to travel northwest over Washington and landed about 14 miles off the coast. ... At 14 kilometers a second, the bolide was fast enough to cause boom there was a very bright green fireball seen by hundreds of eyewitnesses.

top twitted by tonynetone on 7 march 2018

2018 March 7 – Close approach of the Moon and Jupiter

 2018 March 7
 Giant Solar Storms continuous many contacts in febrary AND march 2018 A STREAM of powerful solar wind is barrelling towards Earth at almost 1000km-per-second after a hole opened up in the sun’s atmosphere, unleashing the torrent of particles.

  2018 March 7
 F-35 a Trillion-Dollar Mistake PROCESSING from1997 help TO defend Canadian sovereignty AND Russian bombers with an "undetectable threshold" Quebec's Aerospace culminate a "very serious" competitive bidding process in the 90s 13 14 15 February 2012 surveillance role Feb 2013


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