Lydia is not a forceful woman, but rather an extremely grateful one.

Lydia is not a forceful woman, but rather an extremely grateful one.
After being conquered by Alexander the Great, for the Greeks, Tantalus was the primordial ruler of the mythical Lydia, and Niobe his superb daughter; Anfione connected Lidia's business with Thebes, and through Pelops the lineage of Tantalus was part of the myths of the foundation of the second dynasty of Mycenae. In reference to the myth of Bellerophon, Karl Kerenyi emphasized .
As Licia remained so connected to Crete, and as the person of Pelops, the hero of Olympia, linked Lidia to the Peloponnese, so Bellerophon joined another Asian region, or rather two, Licia and Caria, to kingdom of Argos.
La Lidia (endonym: ardfard; in Greek: υδία; in Assyrian: Luddu; in Hebrew: Lûdîm) is an ancient historical region (and a kingdom of the Iron Age) located in western Asia Minor, generally east of 'ancient Ionia, in the current Turkish provinces of Manisa and the hinterland of Smyrna. According to Herodotus, the name "Lidia" was derived from Lido, son of Atis, who gave the name of Lidi to a population previously called "Meoni". Lidia had contacts with some of the most ancient civilizations in history, for example. that of the Hittites and the Phrygians.
According to a Lydian or Greek historiographical tradition, reported by Herodotus in his Stories, Lidia would be the homeland of the Etruscans during the Heraclid dynasty. It is believed that, following a terrible famine, a part of the Lydians emigrated in search of a new land. Led by the Prince Tyrrhenian, they landed on the western coasts of Italy, giving life to a new civilization. The Greeks called this people with the name of Tirreni.
