Vincent van Gogh painted at least 15 paintings of olive trees

 Van Gogh painted nature, the major subject, like Masaccio, was the best painter of his generation because of his skill at imitating nature, hosting a small didactic show called Van Gogh and the Hague School.

Vincent van Gogh painted at least 15 paintings of olive trees, mostly in Saint-Rémy-de-Provence in 1889.
Orange Sky. Apart from orange, Van Gogh has used different colors such as yellow, green, blue, and white with diagonal brush strokes. It contrasts very well with the deep green of the olive trees that stand out against the background.

In the blazing heat of this Mediterranean afternoon, nothing rests. Against a ground scored as if by some invisible torrent, intense green olive trees twist and crimp, capped by the rolling, dwindling hillocks of the distant Alps, beneath a light-washed sky with a bundled, ectoplasmic cloud.

Van Gogh's letters make it clear that he created this particular intense vista of the southern French landscape as a daylight partner to the visionary nocturne of his more famous canvas, The Starry Night.

One painting, Olive Trees in a Mountainous Landscape, was a complement to The Starry Night.

The autumn work was somewhat in reaction to the recent compositions of Christ in the Garden of Olives by his friends Paul Gauguin and Émile Bernard.

In the olive trees — in the expressive power of their ancient and gnarled forms — van Gogh found a manifestation of the spiritual force he believed resided in all of nature. His brushstrokes make the soil and even the sky seem alive with the same rustling motion as the leaves, stirred to a shimmer by the Mediterranean wind.

Van Gogh will paint homely people, peasant shoes, a spare and tawdry chair with a pipe on it. He paints the postman, the billiard hall in a local tavern, as well as haunting scenes of sowers of wheat at twilight. In his famous “Starry Night”.

Nevertheless, the absence of biographical detail has spared Masaccio the associative stigma of a murderous like Caravaggio or a self-mutilating Van Gogh, albeit at the expense of celebrity: naturally, he was bypassed as a name for one of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
