
Horace career coincided with Rome's momentous change from Republic to Empire see also crassus and Appian Way so we have Horace's works has varied epochs
His Lyrics in Greek Metres borrowed from Archaic Greece, employing hexameters in his Satires and Epistles, and iambs in his Epodes, all of which were relatively easy to adapt into Latin forms.

Satires 1 (c. 35–34 BC)
Satires 2 (c. 30 BC)
Epodes (30 BC)
Odes 1–3 (c. 23 BC)
Epistles 1 (c. 21 BC)
Carmen Saeculare (17 BC)
Epistles 2 (c. 11 BC)
Odes 4 (c. 11 BC)
Ars Poetica (c. 10–8 BC)

As soon as Horace, stirred by his own genius and encouraged by the example of Virgil, Varius, and perhaps some other poets,appreciated for his technical mastery, his control and polish, and his mellow, civilized tone. Venusia, modern Venosa, was the major Roman colony in the heartland of southern Italy. Venusia is best known as the birthplace of the Roman poet Horace, leaving his estate to the Emperor Augustus, in the absence of any heirs of his own.
