Universe in origin is an infinite space not empty

When religion masquerades as science, infinite universe determined by a struggle between stars no empty space you can see this photo finite or infinite in extent depends on the struggle between space and no stars, no suns and no matter exists? but we have solar mass black hole as determined by orbits of stars,structures like galaxies in ‘empty’ space? nor possible,suggested that the universe may in fact be without bound, true value of a human being is determined primarily by the measure and the sense,today there is no conflict between modern cosmological theory and Church teaching why? because politic money are used by both,while the controversy has a long history, today it is mainly over what? we have no ansers at all.

The Universe in origin is an infinite space not empty with hydrogen, so the densities of stars and galaxies seems to be about the same and between stars and planets, is in fact not due to any change in the units of space and time,so we have fractal patterns at infinite quantum scales to macro-scale stars.
